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Pad Twister - white 2x1Buc. - 20" / 51 cm - alb

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Twister Pad - White 2x1Buc. - 20" / 51 cm - Alb

Twister de la Diversey este o metoda inovatoare de intretinere zilnica a pardoselilor, prin care o varietate de pardoseli neprotejate si protejate sunt curatate si lustruite cu ajutorul pad-urilor prevazute cu numeroase diamante microscopice. Este o solutie simpla, sigura, ieftina si ecologica pentru o curatare profesionala, oferind intotdeauna rezultate extraordinare pe orice tip de pardoseala.

Pad-urile Twister albe sunt recomandate pentru curatarea profunda a unei game variate de pardoseli cu trafic scazut. Pad-ul alb are o durata de viata de pana la 15000 m2 in conditii optime.

Clean and protect the floor without the need for deep cleaning chemicals and polymers.
Excellent cleaning performance whilst maintaining the floor gloss.
Extremely durable and have a long lifespan.
Cost efficient alternative to traditional methods.

Select the appropriate Twister pad as the cleaning economy.
Mount side labelled Machine Side facing the machine and the colored side facing the floor.
Use only water together with Twister.
Clean and polish.
After use, rinse the Twister pad.
If the color is gone, change the pad.
Please note: The diamond impregnated side of the pad is colored and works as a wear indicator.

K00743-66891-PSS-Twister-White-DiamondPads-A4-en-master-HRNC-ro.pdf   Product Selling Story (PSS)
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